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Checking for Understanding

How do we know that we are making a difference? This is a questions that we as staff ask ourselves often to ensure that we continue to move forward with our school wide language of Care for Self, Others, and Place. Throughout this school year, we have aligned our family teams activities, our direct teaching in class, our assemblies, and our professional development days so that they all have a common focus. This has helped to ensure that we are delivering a clear and consistent message that our school wide language is in place to continue to grow a culture of care at Gilmore as well as a reminder of our expectations of behaviour for all that enter our school.

As our school wide language is still relatively new and has only been in place since the end of last school year, we continue to plan activities in class and school wide as a way to help everyone gain a better understand what it looks like, feels like, and sounds like to Care for Self, Others, and Place.

While these activities have been successful moments of student learning, they have also helped us to gain evidence of how our students' understanding of our school wide language is growing. Pictures of activities below show class, school-wide, individual activities, collaborative activities.

It is exciting to see our students continue to gain a deeper understanding of our school wide language and have an increased ability to use words and writing to explain what Care for Self Others and Place looks like, feels like, and sounds like. 

Our next step is to help our students to be able to and understand how to show Care for Self, Others and Place consistently with their actions.


Updated: Tuesday, February 27, 2024