Parent Advisory Council
HOT LUNCH and Food Days at Gilmore!
To order see the links below.
All funds raised by hot lunch and food days go back to the students by helping pay for extracurricular activities, additional classroom supplies, equipment for school programs, etc.
NEW parents need to register here:
RETURNING parents can go directly to the login page:

Welcome to the Parent Advisory Council For Our School
We are a group of parents who support our children's educational experience at Gilmore by volunteering to support the school in a variety of ways. You are welcome to join us at our monthly PAC meetings, along with the school Principal, Mr.Shuto. Hear the latest on what's happening at Gilmore, discuss ideas and ask questions. Through meetings, newsletters, meeting minutes and our Facebook group, there is an active effort to keep all parents informed and involved in school activities. Please see attached meeting minutes below.
Contact us if you would like to volunteer for the PAC or help out with a food day or become involved in another way. Scroll down for our contact information.
Together, we are the Gilmore community!

What we do:
- Assist with organizing and contributing money towards school related activities. For example: Ultimate frisbee week-long workshops, babysitting and first-aid courses for Grades 6&7, Body Science Workshops, Grade 6 Camp...
- Promote communication, co-operation and a forum for dialogue between home and school.
- Fundraise throughout the year to put towards the school's wish list; Things like music stands and gym mats and to subsidize field trips to make them more affordable or even free for families.
- Coordinate the Hot Lunch days.
- Offer staff-appreciation lunches and staff treats throughout the year.
As a parent/guardian of a Gilmore student you automatically belong to and are a voting member of the James Gilmore Parent Advisory Council (PAC). Parent representatives also form the working committee (PAC Executive).
Parents also have representation in the Richmond District Parents' Association (RDPA) providing a link with other schools in Richmond and B.C.
Gilmore PAC Executive for 2024/25
Chair- Amber
Treasurer - Joanny
Secretary & Email/Website - Leanne
PAC Committees & Coordinators
Food Days - Siramon
Fundraising Coordinator - Sarv
Picnic / Community Days - Keara
Facebook - Amber & Keara
Movie Night Coordinator - Keara
Grade 7 Farewell Coordinator for 2024/25- Leanne
Staff Appreciation Days - Amber
Sports Day Concession - Siramon
PAC Bylaws Committee - Amber
General Members - Aline
Meeting Dates for 2024/25
Details to be released on our Facebook group (please join James Gilmore Elementary) or within Week At A Glance (WAAG) emails from the school.
Contact Us/Follow Us
Facebook: James Gilmore Elementary