Transforming Spaces
In our 2024-25 Focus Statement, through the lens of our Inquiry Question: "How will a sense of belonging for all help students to feel more successful with their learning?", one of our "Action Statements" that we have been working on since the end of last year is - We will re-envisioning some of our spaces to allow for activities that help students feel that all styles of learning are celebrated and valued.
Our staff has worked together and spent time discussing how we can transform some of our spaces to help our students be successful academically, socially, and emotionally.
Two spaces that we have transformed include the Lab and Outdoor Learning Spaces.
Outdoor Learning Spaces: Gilmore students love to be outside, not only to play, but also to learn, we have noticed that being outside in a structured learning activity helps many of our students engage with their learning while still being able to move around and be active. We are lucky to have added a few new learning / play spaces in our outdoor space at Gilmore to promote this!
The "Lab" is a space where there are materials and the space to work collaboratively with hands on materials such as Keva Planks, hot wheels tracks, chess boards, puzzles, art materials, Make Do sets etc. This is a space that classes can sign out to visit. It is a space that is designed for activities that promote the skills of "Communicating, Collaborating, Creative, Critical and Reflective Thinking. This allows kids to move around be away from their desks and tables and learn very important life and academic skills. Our students love the idea of learning while they play. This "Lab" space allows them to do that while we highlite the importance for them of the four skills listed above.