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One Small Action

In November, we initially reviewed the scanning data to think of 1 thing we could change in our practice to meet the needs as expressed in the data. When we returned in January, staff felt that we needed to revisit the data in a collaborative way to generate and share ideas and provide feedback to one another.  During our January Pro-D Day, we revisited the scanning data of each of their classes and considered the following questions through collaborative dialogue:

1) What one small action will you take?

2) How will you know it's making a difference for learners?

We created a living document in the form of a Padlet as a place to hold ideas of how we might make a difference in students' ability to articulate their thinking and connections. By being intentional in our commitment to one small action and thinking critically about how it will make a difference, we can grow our practice and continue to take an inquiry stance as educators.

Check back to see our continued learning journey! 


Updated: Friday, February 25, 2022